Our Services

Craft and sip workshops

Through out the year we run a selection of craft workshops at local breweries and vineyards as well as local art Studios. Immerse yourself in the beautiful country side or nestle close to the roaring fire as you let your creativity run free. We provide all you need to make something unique and beautiful to take home. Perfect for groups and date night.

Arty Party - all ages birthday parties

Try something different and host an Arty Party. We supply everything needed and will do all the set up and pack up. We have a package for all ages and stages making birthdays a breeze. Starting from only $150 1hr for 10 people, you can choose from any of our packages or call us to customise a party to suit your needs.

Private lessons and Crafternoons

Have you ever wished you could learn a new craft but never seem to have the time to go to the workshops? We can come to you and teach in the comfort of your own home. We have a wide range of skills to choose from and can do a one off lesson or design a course just for you. Invite your friends and make it a Crafternoon. All sessions can include up to 10 people for the basic beginner packages. Additional people, Intermediate and advanced classes are available on request.

NDIS Art groups

Our NDIS art groups are a great place to come and make new friends while learning something together. We have 3 monthly classes located in Brompton, Gawler and Kapunda. With a wide range of subjects and projects covered there is always something exciting happening. All classes can be covered by NDIS plans subject to Plan details and funding availability and are billed per NDIS pricing guidelines.

We are passionate about creating solutions to problems and as such provide adaptive tools for all our classes. If we don’t have what you need we will work with you to design and create a solution. Everyone deserves to have a go and there is no wrong way to creating art.

School visits and event workshops

If you are a school or a an event organiser looking for something a little bit different we can create a program to suit your needs. All classes can be made for any age group and tackle everything from heirloom to modern freeform arts. Please contact me directly for more information.

NDIS participant sessions, in home or Group home

If you would like to have an art session but are unable to access our groups then we can come to you for an in home session. These can either be as private or group home sessions and can be tailored to suit your individual needs.

Immersive Art Experience

These art experiences are specially designed to allow those with visual and hearing impairments to fully immerse themselves and in this sound/vibration and touch centered workshop. Letting the vibrations guide you as you fee the textured paints and build up a multidimensional canvas, we will explore different ways to paint and engage your unique creativity.

We are happy to discuss NDIS funding

“Art washes away from the soul the dust of every day life.”

— Pablo Picasso

large paint covered brushes lie on top of each other with bristles pointed to the center